About Me

I started writing at the age of three, but that was mainly copying out the alphabet, so doesn’t really count. Once I’d mastered the art of putting letters together, I spent hours writing stories, clanking away on a typewriter and sewing the pages together. My poor parents must have longed for the invention of social media.
I optimistically sent my first full novel, The Ghost of Cripple Creek, to a publisher when I was 10. They politely declined the offer, but I didn't let a little thing like rejection put me off.
I eventually became a magazine journalist, but longed to be a novelist. However, I got slightly sidetracked over the years by work, children and Mad Men box sets. It was my daughter’s words – 'Stop talking about writing a book and just write one' – that gave me the push I needed to enrol on a writing course.
My books are inspired by my feeble attempt to juggle a career with childcare, never-ending life admin and laundry and, outrageously, a bit of time for myself. I’m still struggling, despite the fact my children are now teenagers! (Any tips on how to cope would be much appreciated!)
My novels have been shortlisted for the Comedy Women in Print prize and the Romantic Novelists’ Association’s Joan Hessayon Award.
I write for Writers’ Forum magazine and the RNA’s magazine Romance Matters. I wrote short stories for Jackie magazine in my teens. Thankfully these were never printed.
I live in Hertfordshire with my husband and two teenage daughters – one of whom is expecting 10 per cent of any profits.